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Online: BioModels ML Hackathon

This remote event focuses on applying FAIR principles to machine_learning models in the life sciences, enhancing their reproducibility and utility.

Why Participate?

  • Engage in hands-on activities to make ML models more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
  • Collaborate with experts and peers to boost the impact of your work.
  • Contribute to a leading community resource while gaining recognition for your expertise.

The hackathon is ideal for researchers, data scientists, and developers at the intersection of AI/ML and life sciences.

Date: 20 - 21 June

More Info and Registration

Webinar: Demystifying ELIXIR: Everything you ever wanted to know and more

This interactive event will help participants understand ELIXIR’s structure and operations. It is particularly suitable for people who have been part of ELIXIR for less than two years, but is open to all. Those involved in onboarding new people to Nodes might also find this webinar useful.

By the end of the session, attendees should have a clearer picture of how they fit into ELIXIR and how best to apply their knowledge and skills to maximise their impact. They should leave with answers to their questions, and understand where to find further information and how to actively engage with ELIXIR.

Date: Jul 11, 2024 04:00 PM

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ELIXIR Estonia participated in DataCite Estonia consortium Open Science event

On June 4, 2024, the DataCite Estonia consortium Open Science event took take place at the University of Tartu Library.

ELIXIR EE has been advocating for Open Science principles across universities in Estonia and our efforts have been noticed (slides by Liisi Lembinen). Additionally, our node contact has been recognized for their expertise in data management (slides by Janelle Kirss from Taltech).

More Info

Slides and materials are available in DSpace.

Webinar: ISMARA and CREMA: automatically inferring gene regulatory networks from gene expression, chromatin accessibility or epigenome data

This course is aimed at PhD students, post-docs and researchers in life sciences wanting to make computational inferences about gene regulation from gene expression data, chromatin accessibility and epigenetic mark data. The course is targeted to a wide audience ranging from computational biologists and bioinformatics researchers who regularly analyse transcriptome and epigenome data, to experimental researchers interested in inferring key regulatory interactions in their own data.

Application deadline: 28 August 2024

Date: 30 August 2024

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Course in Lausanne, Switzerland: Biodiversity bioinformatics- from large-scale phylogenomics to gene families and functions

This course is aimed at PhD students, postdoctoral and other researchers in the life sciences who are planning how to proceed with comparative genomics analyses to investigate biological or evolutionary questions of importance to their study system, particularly to leverage comparative genomics tools and resources to characterise the gene repertoires of their non-model species.

Application deadline: 16 July 2024

Date: 26 - 28 August 2024

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Webinar: Where do I start with FAIRification of sensitive data?

This workshop will present a general overview of data sensitivity in relation to sharing and reuse; two presentations on aspects of sensitive data in different research areas; a focus on Persistent Identifiers and data handling of sensitive data; and an opportunity to join in the discussion with the presenters and with each other.

Date: 25th June at 14:00-15:15 CEST

More Info and Registration

Webinar: How FAIRsharing helps you enable FAIR: focus on standards, repositories and policies

This workshop is designed for trainers, anyone developing or maintaining repositories, standards, and policies, librarians, data stewards, and those assisting researchers. However, all Life Science research data community members and beyond – including researchers themselves – are most welcome.

Date: 27 June 2024

More Info and Registration