Weekly news 03.06.2019
There are a few seats available for the one-day Data Steward Knowledge and Skills Workshops – A working meeting with and for the Data Steward Community, June 11 & June 12 2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Registrations are open for a Protein Prediction workshop on 10 September in Brussels, Belgium organised by ELIXIR Belgium with the cooperation of VUB-VIB. More information and registration.
Call for abstracts for the international Advances in Computational Biology conference (Barcelona, 28-29 Nov, 2019) is now open. This unique scientific event will highlight research done by women in systems biology, omics technologies, artificial intelligence and HPC with applications to biology - all presenters will be women.
ELIXIR France is pleased to announce the upcoming Genopole Summer School: Bioinformatics and Bio-statistical tools in medical genomics. 24-28 June, 2019, Château’form Seine-Port, Paris Region.